Friday, April 17, 2015

"The Missing Pieces" by Henri Lefebvre

Selected reviews of Henri Lefebvre's The Missing Pieces translated by David L. Sweet

I won't be writing a review this time, just providing a list of links to reviews of poet and publisher Henri Lefebvre's book The Missing Pieces, which I translated into English for Semiotext(e) in 2014.  The original French title is Les Unités perdues and the book was first published by Manuella Editions in 2011.  Reviews have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, Harper's Magazine, Hyperallergic and other magazines and journals.  The book was also included in the Semiotext(e) installation at the last Whitney Biennial in New York (the installation included my translation of Baudrillard's Architecture:  Truth or Radicalism?).

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