Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Modernism/Modernity in Theory, Part 1

In the following undergraduate online discussions I explain a number of essays on Modernism, Modernity, Symbolism and the Avant-garde.  The essays are, first, Edmund Wilson's "Symbolism" from Axel's Castle; then Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane's "The Name and Nature of Modernism" in their anthology entitled just Modernism; then Renato Poggioli's introductory chapters to The Theory of the Avant-Garde; and finally, Marshall Berman's introductory chapter to his book, All That Is Solid Melts into Air.  I cleave pretty closely to the texts for the sake of student comprehension.  The first essay begins with students reading passages that they selected from the Wilson, Bradbury and McFarlane essays.  I've clipped the videos at points where the connection for our online discussion broke down or where we struggled to bring up documents to share.  #EdmundWilson, #RenatoPoggioli, #MarshallBerman, #modernism, #modernity, #thesymbolists, #theavantgarde 

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