Monday, February 15, 2021

Zoom class: "Secular Transcendence in Marcel Proust," #marcelproust, #swannsway

Here is my latest version of the lecture "Secular Transcendence in Marcel Proust: Reading Swann's Way" which I recorded on Zoom for my online class at SVA this semester (Spring 2021).  It includes a PowerPoint that I share with the class and which includes several images related to the text.  An illustrated text version of the lecture with two or three video excerpts of the in-class lecture at Pace University in 2018 can be found if you scroll down further.    

"Secular Transcendence in Marcel Proust: Reading Swann's Way" (Spring 2021)

Some French "Cubist" and Surrealist Poets, #cubist, #surrealist, #poets

Here are some online classes I gave at Pace University last year (Spring 2020) on the poets Pierre Reverdy, Paul Eluard, Robert Desnos, and Henri Michaux:  

It is Poems by Pierre Reverdy

Paul Eluard, Lady Love

Eluard, Invention


Robert Desnos, I Have Dreamed of You So Much

Henri Michaux, I Am Writing You from a Distant Country, 
Parts I & II

Michaux, I Am Writing You from a Distant Country, 
Parts III to end.